Blog Tour: The Many Ships of Reign (Giveaway)

Reign Blog Tour Banner 
Hey everyone! Today, I’m BEYOND EXCITED to share with you my post for the Reign Blog Tour! That’s right – Reign as in the television show! For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you know I’m OBSESSED with this show. Like, I cried happy tears when it was renewed for season three and I’m PRAYING it gets renewed for season four. I live tweet almost every episode. I randomly re-watch favorite episodes on Netflix and via my DVDs. I also tend to cast the Reign characters as characters in the books I’m reading – frequently.

So it comes as no surprise that, when I received the blog tour sign-ups for this tour, I POUNCED. Like, I told Queen Hannah (the blog tour host) that I’d be forever grateful and call her Queen Hannah forever and I think I even promised to be her loyal subject, but I’m not positive. I also may have said something about “heads will roll and I will sob” if I didn’t get on the tour, hehe.

ANYWAY. Long intro is long! My point is, I’m obsessed with this show and SO EXCITED to be on this tour! For my tour stop, I’m going to be discussing the MANY ships of Reign. First, here’s some info about the books based on the show:

RTP An original novel based on the hit television series, Reign.

Since Mary, Queen of Scotland was a child, the English have wanted her country and her crown. She is sent to France to wed its next king–to save herself and her people. It’s a bond that should protect her, but there are forces that conspire…forces of darkness, forces of the heart. Mary’s rule, and her life, has never been safe.

Find out what happens to Mary, Francis, Bash, and the rest of the French court after the season one finale.

Long may she reign.

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | iBooks

RH France is aflame with rumors of witchcraft and treachery. Who will be burn for their transgressions? Find out in this haunting original novel based on the hit CW television show, Reign.

Something sinister has been sweeping the villages surrounding the French court. Rumors of Satan’s horsemen traveling the countryside and claiming the souls of villagers have sent the people reeling into a religious frenzy and soon fear and suspicion lead them to accuse a young girl of witchcraft. After the prisoner is brought to the palace for questioning, Mary, Greer, Kenna, and Lola work to prove her innocence. But there are others who will stop at nothing to see the girl and her secrets silenced forever…

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | iBooks


FAIR WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS! Because, unfortunately, it’s hard to discuss ships without spoilers. Even just shipping a couple can be a spoiler if you didn’t know they were a couple or if you didn’t know Person X had broken up with Person Y and you find out because Person X is with someone new. So yeah, SPOILERS AHEAD! Read at your own risk!

As I mentioned above, today I’m going to be chatting with you about the Many Ships of Reign! This show, guys. Omg, this show! I have SO MANY ships in this show! Most of them are of the romantic variety but one is more a Friend-SHIP and one is of a more devious nature. But I can promise you, this show is full of ships and feels and sinking ships and heartache and heartbreak and joy and DID I MENTION FEELS?!?!? I’ve narrowed it down to my Top Five Favorite Ships, going from #5 down to #1, with #1 being my ultimate OTP of the show. So, here we go!!!


Reign Ship #5: Catherine and Narcisse

Catherine and Narcisse bed 
Okay, okay! Before you boo and scream and hiss, let me explain! I can’t stand Narcisse as of late. His treatment of Mary and Catherine, his manipulation of Charles and Lola – I’m not a fan. HOWEVER. Catherine and Narcisse together? They’re both manipulative, conniving and devious and together, they’re Wickedly Delicious. Plus, they shared some pretty hilarious moments together! Can we please talk about Catherine’s bold… Er.. Hand slip? *Cackles*


Reign Ship #4: Kenna and Bash

Kenna Bash kiss GIF 
I’m 98% positive that Kenna and Bash were doomed from the beginning. That didn’t stop me from shipping them, though! First of all, I adore Bash! Like, HE’S SO YUMMY! And I actually did ship him and Mary VERY BRIEFLY in season one. He’s just epic and adorable and awesome! And at the time they’re ship began, Kenna was my favorite of Mary’s ladies. Her plot was the most intriguing, at least. I just thought they were adorable together and they were both so stubborn and perfect! I’m sad they didn’t work out, but I kind of didn’t expect them to. So it didn’t hurt TOO much when this ship sank.


Reign Ship #3: Greer and Leith / Claude and Leith

Greer and Leith swoon

Claude Leith head kiss GIF 
Okay, I’m cheating here. Because I’m still holding out hope for Greer & Leith – I mean, has everyone forgotten Nostradamus’s prediction?!?!?!

“You’ll fall in love with a man with a white mark on his face” – Nostradamus to Greer, referring to Leith. Season one, episode 3

Like, I’m still holding out hope for that! I know it was said in season one, but Nostradamus’s prediction regarding Mary and Francis also didn’t happen until season three, so, you know.. There’s still hope!

Greer and Leith Kiss 
However, the last few episodes of season three were giving me major Claude and Leith feels! It feels like a betrayal to my original ship and I seriously couldn’t stand Claude and Leith together in the beginning. But yeah, they’re growing on me and I actually find them pretty adorable now!

Claude Leith Dancing 
Plus, honestly, I think Greer and Leith might be past the point of no return and they make pretty good friends now. So.. Sigh. Despite coming to terms with it, this ship sinking still hurt a bit.


Reign Ship #2: Mary and Catherine (Matherine)

Mary Catherine Steps 
Anyone who watches the show can guess why Matherine is my number two favorite ship. It’s not a romantic ship, but Mary and Catherine – when they’re working together and not at odds – are epic! For most of seasons one and two, they were fighting each other, thanks to that vision Nostradamus had. But they still had some amazing moments together, especially when Catherine’s maternal instinct kicked in and she tried to protect or comfort Mary. Especially after that one excruciating episode in season two…

Trigger Warning (Rape) for the video below. But this powerful moment defined Matherine and I feel it relevant to this post

*Shudders* Guys, that scene… That scene gives me chills and makes me cry every time I see it. But again, it’s a very defining moment for Mary and Catherine and it shows Catherine’s maternal instinct, that she cares for Mary and her country. More importantly, it shows Mary’s strength and resilience, her determination to not be a victim, but a Queen.

Mary Catherine Smirk 
Matherine will never stop being one of my favorite duos on television. When they work together, they’re amazing. They’re powerful. They’re bold and brilliant. They’re fierce.


Reign Ship #1: Mary and Francis (Frary)

Mary Francis Throne 
Did anyone really doubt this would be my number one ship? My OTP in the Reignverse? If you did, you don’t know me at all! My heart hurts just talking about Frary because, if you watch the show, you know this ship has sunk so hard and so permanently… But I SWEAR I’LL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP! And, to be honest, I already have.

Mary Francis Coronation no words 
I know there are many people who despised Francis, especially in season two. I did, too. But in season one and season three? This power couple was EPIC. I adored the genuine love between them. They started out at odds in season one and then grew closer, becoming closer still in season two until Francis’ poor decisions led to Mary’s rape. I loved the way the writers handled this, taking Mary’s recovery slowly, having her pull away from Francis until she felt healed. And I loved their reconciliation in season three, especially.

But, sadly, this ship sank harder than the Titanic and in a VERY permanent, tear-inducing, heart-breaking way. But Frary will always live on in my heart. Long May They Reign!

Mary Francis Wedding 

Mary Francis Starry Eyed Gif


Reign Ship Bonus Round: Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary Fire Fierce 
Mary, Queen of Scots is fierce and fabulous. If you look up “Fierce” in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Mary. She makes this show what it is. She has so many incredible moments in her story, things she needs to do, sacrifices she needs to make. Being a Queen isn’t always about what you want, but what’s best for your country. Mary definitely struggled and suffered, but she also thrived.

I’m very sad to see that she’ll be leaving French Court to return to Scotland (when season three returns) because MATHERINE! SOBS!! But I also can’t wait to see her thrive in her own kingdom.

Mary Fierce GIF


So! Those are my Reign Ships! What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Share your thoughts with me in the comments! But keep it friendly, guys! I know Ship Feels can run deep, but let’s be kind and respect everyone’s ships!


And now for the giveaway! 1 Grand Prize Winner will receive both books in the REIGN series and a set of Season 1 DVDs!!! And 2 Winners will receive both REIGN books. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tour Schedule:

Week 1:
2/8: Chapter by Chapter – Review of Reign: The Prophecy
2/9: The Hardcover Lover – Polyvore Style Board
2/10: Once Upon A Twilight – REIGN Inspired Makeup
2/11: Books A Blog – A Day in the Life….
2/12: Fangirl Confessions – Reign Dream Squad

Week 2:
2/15: Addicted 2 Novels – Royal Recipes
2/16: No BS Book Reviews – Keepin’ It Real: Book & Show
2/17: Books Buying Beauty – The Art of the Binge Watch
2/18: Pandora’s Books – The Many Ships of REIGN
2/19: Rachel’s Book Reviews – Review of Reign: Hysteria

12 thoughts on “Blog Tour: The Many Ships of Reign (Giveaway)

  1. I’ve honestly been dying to watch this show since I first saw a commercial for it a few years ago… If I ever have time to watch TV again that’s not hockey, this is definitely up there on my list XD Awesome post!

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