Hey everyone! Meredith from Pandora’s Books here. For those who don’t know, I’m doing a joint Blogoversary celebration with Kayla and Stacie from A Wonderland of Reading. The festivities started on May 26 (their one-year Blogoversary) and will end on June 24 (my one-year Blogoversary). We’ll be alternating days and providing fun guest posts from our fellow bloggers and author friends. You can visit A Wonderland of Reading to see the first post and learn more about the details and the grand prize giveaway!
So today, I have the AMAZING Nikki from
I convinced Meredith to start blogging.
Bloggers: If I clean out my books, can I send you ones I don’t want? You can use them in giveaways and such. Thoughts? Older books mostly.
— Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
Which, actually, had nothing to do with what happened. But after a few back and forth tweets, this tweet popped up on my timeline:
@Nikki_Wang I seriously have GOT to start blogging.. I’m so jealous of all the Bloggers who snag ARCs! Certain ones I’m dying to read!! — Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
And of course I responded immediately with
@Gryphongirl2007 GOOOOOOOO. Best thing ever
— Nikki Wang (@Nikki_Wang) June 24, 2013
After which she asked me if I had advice. And these are the wise bits of 13 year old Nikki Wisdom I had to bestow
@Gryphongirl2007 Keep going at it is all I can say! :D It’s a bit hard in the beginning but def gets easier! X) And make friends in the (cont: blogosphere!) — Nikki Wang (@Nikki_Wang) June 24, 2013
And SHE DID. SHE HAS MADE SO MANY FRIENDS AND SHE IS A WONDERFUL PERSON AND I LOVES HER. But of course, the story of the start of a blog is never just three (or four or five or six) tweets short.
I was thinking of trying blogging… And then I saw @Nikki_Wang‘s blog. I stared in awe, bowed, and walked away. #cantbeatthat
— Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
I’m sorry, I had to put that there because that right there is what made me giggle in the first place. It’s especialyl sweet because that design was SO AMATEUR. I mean, my current one still is, but that one just. Guysssssss you don’t even KNOW. But I’m so happy she didn’t just walk away (that tweet should be on fire, what a liar liar.)
Oh yes, but even as an amateur designer apparently I very much liked creating graphics and extended this (probably very bad on Meredith’s end) offer:
@Gryphongirl2007 *latches on* Hey can I design your blog if you make a new one? I mean, when I have time. I LIKE DOING THIS STUFF
— Nikki Wang (@Nikki_Wang) June 24, 2013
If you follow the thread, APPARENTLY, Meredith had been reviewing books for a year and a half on Tumblr. I was surprised she didn’t have a blog, tweeted her my surprise and.
@Nikki_Wang Nope! Not yet!! But your enthusiasm is quickly changing my mind!!!! I’m getting excited here!! — Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
AND THAT WAS PRETTY AWESOME. AND I FELT SO HAPPY. BECAUSE LOOK. I MADE SOMEONE EXCITED TO BE A BLOGGER. Never more was I any happier. At about 1 AM (What the hell were either of us even doing, being up that late.) Flash forward many design-question tweets later and…
@Nikki_Wang What about Pandora’s Book??
— Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
@Nikki_Wang I’ve always loved Greek Myths and especially the Pandora’s box and the Persophone myths
— Meredith Maresco (@Gryphongirl2007) June 24, 2013
And then instead of sleeping like I should’ve, I just decided to start making some kind of graphic. I came up with this:
which she used until she moved to WordPress–a pretty awesome decision early on.
And seems like she’s been pretty awesome the entire blogging journey AND LOOK AT HER AT HER ONE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY. I’M SO PROUD. THEY GROW UP SO QUICKLY.
Moral of the story?
Nikki, you are so adorable and nice and I want to squeeze you!
And great advice, always stay up past midnight! ;)