Blog Tour: A Dream So Dark by L.L. McKinney (Favorite Quotes)

Hey guys! I’m SO SO SO excited to be on the blog tour for A Dream So Dark by L.L. McKinney (September 24, 2019 – Imprint)! The first book in the series, A Blade So Black, was one of my favorite books of 2018, so I was SUPER PUMPED to read the sequel! And it did NOT disappoint! It was SUCH an incredible book, and I’m begging all the Literary Gods for a third book in the series because I NEED MORE!!! Review to come soon!!

So for today’s blog tour stop, I’m going to be sharing with you my favorite quotes from the book! I tried to keep them as spoiler-free as possible! In some cases, this meant excluding page numbes and not sharing who said the quote. But if you’re curious about a certain quote, leave a comment with a way for me to reach you (email, social media, etc), and I’ll tell you what page (in the US ARC because that’s what I read) and I’ll tell you who said it.

ALSO… Some of the “quotes” aren’t technically quotes that people said.. They’re just sections of text that I enjoyed for one reason or another and decided to share. That still counts, though, right?? Right??

*Clears throat.* So, first, here’s a quick rundown of what the book is about:

Still reeling from her recent battle (and grounded until she graduates), Alice must abandon her friends to complete her mission: find The Heart and prevent the Red Lady’s rise. But the deeper she ventures into Wonderland, the more topsy-turvy everything becomes. It’s not until she’s at her wits end that she realizes—Wonderland is trying to save her.

There’s a new player on the board; a poet capable of using Nightmares to not only influence the living but raise the dead. This Poet is looking to claim the Black Queen’s power—and Alice’s budding abilities—as their own.

Dreams have never been so dark in Wonderland, and if there is any hope of defeating this mystery poet’s magic, Alice must confront the worst in herself, in the people she loves, and in the very nature of fear itself.


And now, without further adieu, here are my favorite quotes!!!

“Alice tried to approach her mom after dad died, but the woman either retreated so far into herself it was like she was looking for Narnia, or she threw herself in the opposite direction and got lost in her work.”

 LOVE the Narnia reference here. That’s legit the reason I included this. I just love when authors use literary references in their books.


“Begin at the beginning.”

 I can’t explain why, but I just find this quote.. comforting. I know that sounds weird, maybe. But as someone who has anxiety, my brain is often going in 20 different directions, so going back to the beginning and focusing is important – yet difficult – to do. And this quote made me think of those moments when I just need to stop, take a breath, focus, and start over.


“I will rip that horn out and choke you with it, lil girl!”

 I just love Alice’s mom, bahahaha. And out of context, this is hilarious! Good luck speculating what it is, bahahaha *evil grin.*


“Maybe it’s some weird Wonderland shit.”

 I mean.. Accurate, bahaha. Eveything to do with Wonderland is weird shit. BUT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!


Alice: “Can we not talk about my nonexistent sex life? Thanks.”


Mom: “You shouldn’t be able to spell sex life.”


Nana K: “Oh, come on, Missy, she’s not a baby. Next year she’ll be old enough to vote and go off to war. Those aren’t half as fun.”


“I’m a legit superhero.”


“The boogie man probably wasn’t as dangerous.”


“You’re half right. But mostly wrong.”

 I just really love this. I don’t even have a reason why. I just do.


Alice: “You’re telling me I just dropped out of the sky?”

Character X*: “Like a sexy comet.”

*Name changed to avoid spoilers


“So I’m just supposed to hide while you’re playing Xena?”


Character X*: “Knight. Are you conscious?”

Black Knight: “Yes, though if you get any closer, you won’t be.”

*Name changed to avoid spoilers, of course. But yeah.. This quote just made me chuckle



And there you have it!! My favorite quotes from A Dream So Dark! So, have you read this book yet? Do you have any favorite quotes? If not, did any of these quotes make you WANT to read the book? Which quotes? Share with me in the comments!

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