Blogoversary: Pandora’s Books is 3-Months Old!

Today (September 24, 2013), Pandora’s Books celebrated its 3-month Blogoversary! It’s not a huge milestone, but one that means a lot to me!

When I first made the decision to start blogging on June 24, 2013, I had no idea what I was doing, what was going to happen, or how long it would last. I knew very few people in the community. I was just a girl on Twitter who enjoyed reading and tweeting about awesome books and authors.

And then I decided to blog. It was kind of an out-of-the-blue decision, but also something I had wanted to do for years – if that makes sense. Let me clarify… I had wanted to start a blog for years, but I had no idea how or what it should be about. I never thought about book blogging as a thing. And then, the more involved I became on Twitter and the more bloggers I “met” on Twitter, the more I learned of the blogging community and how incredible it was.

So I started out small, using Blogger by Google. Nikki @ Fiction Freak helped me with the design and basic template and she created my current blog button for me. She patiently answered all my questions – and trust me, there were a lot. And she guided me through some basic blogging terminology and protocol. For that, I will be forever grateful to her! Without Nikki, I never would have started blogging. At least, not when I did and maybe not for several more years. I was totally clueless.

Almost as soon as I started blogging, I began meeting other bloggers and chatting with more and more authors. I was humbled by how incredibly sweet and helpful those in the book blogging community were. Everyone was so welcoming, offering help and advice where it was needed. I was so relieved and grateful.

Stacee @ Adventures of a Book Junkee was one of my first cheerleaders. From the moment we began chatting, she answered my nine million questions with patience and understanding. She guided me through a lot of rough patches and aided me in so many ways, I don’t think I can ever repay her for it all. And even though we only knew each other for about a month, she was kind enough to get me not one copy of an ARC but TWO copies! She was at San Diego Comic Con and happened to see a tweet from me about wanting Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz, and she got TWO – one for me, signed and one to give away on my blog. It was my very first big, official giveaway. Stacee barely knew me then, but she helped me and has continued to be amazing and helpful and just there for me. I’m sure I’ll drive her nuts one of these days, but for now, she’s still patiently answering my questions and just being amazing!

Along the way, I’ve gotten to do some amazing things. I’ve been very, very lucky in my short time as a blogger. My young, not very well-known blog has been able to participate in many things already! I’ve helped with cover reveals, done some author interviews; I was even lucky enough to land a spot on the 2013 Debut Authors blog tour and become a tour host for Lola’s Blog Tours!

I’ve gotten very, very lucky with some of the ARCs and review books I’ve received – many from contests and amazing friends! Some eARCs were even from publicists who took a chance on me, despite how new I was. I can’t begin to describe how grateful and humbled I am by that! So many people have told me that new bloggers really can’t request ARCs (especially physical ones), because they don’t have the experience and following. But these publicists allowed me to participate, to be involved. My biggest, most surprising achievement was when I requested Perfect Ruin (Lauren DeStefano) from Simon & Schuster and they actually sent it to me! Talk about mind blown!

I want to quickly spotlight some of the bloggers who have helped me along the way – I know I’m going forgetting some people! I’m so sorry! It’s not intentional, I promise!

Ashley @ Nose Graze
Crystal @ Crystal in Bookland
Emily @ On Emily’s Bookshelf
Hafsah @ Icey Books
Jessica @ Just A Book Lover
Kayla @ Bibliophilic Nerds
Nova @ Musings of a Blogder
Shannon @ Twilight Sleep
Stacie @ The Shy Book Nerd
Taherah @ Books As You Know It

Like I said, I know I’m forgetting some people, but there are so many of you who have been so amazing along the way! If I forgot anyone, I’m so so sorry! It’s not intentional – I’m just forgetful!(Just DM me on Twitter and yell at me and I’ll add you to that list! Hehe ^_^)

I also want to thank Kelly @ Inkslinger PR for taking a chance on a newbie blogger and for allowing me to do reviews, cover reveals and launch day posts for Rachel Harris, Heather Lyons and Amanda Havard. Because you took a chance on me, I discovered some amazing books and amazing authors. Thank you so, so much, Kelly!

My point is, these last three months have been a crazy, insane whirlwind of AWESOME. And I never thought I’d be where I am now in such a short amount of time. I mean, I’m going to an event on October 1st and I need to bring BUSINESS CARDS! Guys, I had to ORDER business cards for my blog! After three months! I just.. I can’t even! It’s insane and – I know I’ve used these words a lot, but I sincerely mean them – I am so humbled and so grateful to everyone I have met and for everything I have done and everything I will do.

Thank you to everyone who befriended me, who made me feel welcome in the book blogging community, and who took chances on a new book blogger who had no idea what she was doing! Most importantly, thank you to everyone who has made Pandora’s Books what it is today. Without you guys, there WOULDN’T be a Pandora’s Books. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

12 thoughts on “Blogoversary: Pandora’s Books is 3-Months Old!

  1. Happy Blogoversary!!! You deserve every bit of success you’ve had so far, and I know I’ll be cheering you on from now on! <333

    (Also, on a side note, Perfect Ruin was a complete surprise for me as well! I never imagined they'd actually send it to me!)

    • Awwwww, thanks so much! We haven’t known each other long, but you’ve been so amazing! Thanks so much for the support! <3333

      (Right?? It was so awesome! I’m reading it now!)

  2. Happy Blogoversary!! I was really surprised that you said you were celebrating your 3 month blogoversary, when I first noticed you on twitter I thought you were blogging for years!! This is really a great post! And I agree that the blogging community is amazing! I’ve also met so many nice bloggers who are so helpful! Congratulations!!

    • Thanks so much!! Awwwww, that means so much to me!!! <3333 Definitely – if it weren’t for how welcoming this community was, I don’t think I would have lasted 3 DAYS, let alone 3 MONTHS!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You’ve already grown so much as a blogger in the three months I can’t wait to see what’s next for you.

    And I will always always always answer your questions, no matter what. <3

    *throws confetti*

  4. When I first started blogging I had no clue you were a newbie too! I thought you were a pro already with they way you helped me lol. I should be thanking you because you literally took me under your wing when I was lost. You are such an awesome blogger and I hope you continue to have a successful blog in the years to come! Happy Blogoversary!!! :D

    • Awwwwwwww!!! *Sniffles, grabs a tissue* You are so, so sweet!!!!! <3333333333333 You’re an awesome blogger and I’m so glad things are working out for you!!! I’m always here to help! <333333

  5. Ahhh I feel so late commenting now!! Thanks for the mention and I’m so glad we started talking and hanging out on Twitter!! You’ve accomplished a lot within these past 3 months. Good luck blogging and happy 3 month blogoversary :) <333

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